Thursday, December 1, 2016

Behind The Art: Cultship Kraken

Cultship boards arriving: Nov. 30th ON SALE NOW! 

We have sizes: 8.0, 8.25, 8.38, 8.5

Behind The Art: This graphic depicts a Kraken, or a fictional sea monster often to have been the antagonist of many an oceanic adventure in modern folk lore.

So, can I just start by saying... 2016 was rough.

From the beloved artists and friends that we lost this year, to the tension between police and the public surrounding unwarranted violence and even murder, the Pulse tragedy, the most divisive presidential election campaign we've seen in recent times, the harsh realization that we as a nation might be as racist and stupid as we have ever been, the continued disrespect from our nation towards the Native people and their desire to protect water, to the Smokie Mountains burning to dust...

I digress...

This was supposed to be about the artwork on the boards.

This particular graphic is being put out on our first boards as a timely representation of the world today. We are on that ship. We are in troubled waters. The craziest conditions you can imagine are challenging our very existence. The ugliest, most unreal (yet somehow real) circumstances are unfolding all around us...

However, the sun is shining, and our ship is still mostly intact. Not to mention you have a brand new skateboard to throw under your feet and there is nothing stopping you from pushing on.

The message? Whatever happens, we can and should always inspire each other to push on.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Introducing: Cultship Skateboards

Starting today, the very first Cultship Skateboards are being quality tested in the streets of Orlando and NYC. These will be available in our STORE in December and in the most excellent of local skate shops. Send an email to: if you want Cultship in your shop!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


We love you, Evan! You embody everything SOTY and Thrasher mag represent! Pure shredder and overall awesome individual!

Monday, January 11, 2016

An Ode to a 90's Homie Skate Vid.

Hi-8. Huge pants. Inflated shoes. Streets. Warehouse skatepark. DIY spot. Homies dead and gone (RIP). A girl skater. Great soundtrack... this is one that has it all.